Archive for 2012


The rainy season is one season that we must be aware, in addition will lead to flooding and standing water. we should be aware of flood hazards, we also should be aware of the spread of disease during the floods. As one of a very dangerous disease, that is Leptospirosis.
Leptospirosis is a disease caused by germs contained leptospires in the urine of mice and other rodents. If the urine of mice that contain germs or bacteria are soluble in water, such as flooding and standing water, the water can become a medium of transmission to humans. Our skin is wounded, though small, or the mucosa of the body is in contact with water contaminated with the bacteria leptospires it will become the entrance of these germs to infect the body.

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Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency is fatal, but can be improved if treated properly. This situation occurs because of an allergic response is rapid and excessive. Anaphylaxis is an allergic reaction that affects the entire body. This reaction can cause death.
Many allergens can cause anaphylactic reactions, but the most common causes are medications, bee stings, and nuts. The signs of anaphylactic reactions similar to the signs of shock, namely:
A. Low blood pressure
2. Pulse rate increased
3. Obstruction or airway obstruction
4. Swelling of the larynx and face
5. Urticaria (redness and itching)
Initial therapy in anaphylactic reactions is the gift of adrenaline. If a person has experienced an anaphylactic reaction, you should always provide the adrenaline rush that can be used as first aid in case of this reaction.

Coronary Heart Disease, Risk Factors And Prevention

Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world including in Indonesia. This disease often causes sudden death without preceding symptoms.Coronary heart disease caused by an imbalance between oxygen demand with supply to the heart muscle supplied by the coronary arteries. As a result, the heart muscle becomes starved of oxygen so that it can cause a serious disturbance in the heart.Coronary Heart Disease disorder lies in the coronary arteries of kelainanya perkapuran process (atherosclerosis) in various levels ranging from mild narrowing to a moment there was total blockage of the blood vessel walls. Patients usually complain of chest pain such as feeling depressed left. Sometimes pain radiating to left arm or to the chin. Risk factor for atherosclerosis can be divided into two, namely:Risk factors can be controlled,

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Effect Headset For Your Health!

Listen to music all the time, even to be able to sleep in buai with Headset.But the gentlemen friends know, that long-term wear headsets as well as high volume cause serious effects.
"Automatically, the ear has the ability to muffle the loud noise becomes problematic for a hearing," said Dr. A. Budi Sulistya, Sp. ENT of Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, Jakarta.However, the ear also has a limited ability to hear,There is a limit to how long the ear may be exposed to certain noise should not exceed dosage.For example, to the sound of the guns that have the intensity of the eruption about 110 decibels and the frequency is high enough, the ears should only be exposed to no more than 30 seconds. Moreover, the risk of hearing impairment or noise trauma will be greater.

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Increasing Weight Safely

Everyone will want to have a healthy body is also proportional to the weight and height. Sometimes a person's weight is easy to ride but for some other very hard once and it took great effort to gain weight. This time the health info on tips and how to gain weight in a healthy way. Hopefully these tips to gain weight quite useful for you who want to gain weight and lean your body.Just as when going to lose weight, for some people to gain weight problem also becomes something that is difficult and they need to fight. Although there are many supplements on the market that help increase daily caloric intake, but it has not been proven safe and beneficial.
Therefore, the necessary intelligence in determining diet and lifestyle, to become healthier in the long term. Here is a smart and safe way to increase your weight forms the ideal:
A. Choose dairy products, eggs, fish, meat and vegetables. Eat foods with high protein content such as nuts and foods with high starch content such as potatoes, rice and tapioca.
2. Eating snacks more often. Consuming high-calorie snacks (not junk food) such as cheese sticks, milk shakes, muffins, dried fruits and yogurt. Also, eating larger portions and eat at least five times a day.
3. Drink plenty of fluids that supply nutrients and calories such as milk or fresh fruit juice.
4. You need to practice hard and intensely to gain muscle mass. Focus on weight training (without tools) with the largest group on the target muscle. If you have a high metabolic rate - which means you spend a lot of energy even at rest. You need to exercise an intense but short-term rather than long.
5. Consistent. Probably needed a long time, usually several months, to get the ideal body weight. Some women will generally be frustrated and quit when it did not notice any changes. It must be remembered, weight gain program will not work if you do not regularly run.

Pollution and Waste

Glance crossed our brains when we hear the word pollution is so certain in our minds is the destruction of the environment. Pollution is pollution caused by sewage or garbage dumped out of place. Usually we associate this with the pollution of air pollution, but pollution is the name of everything from water pollution, air pollution to the ground. Everything is of course very dangerous for the environment and harming human life. While waste is waste generated from production activities.Examples such as the factory is one of the causes of air pollution.Average air pollution resulting from motor vehicle exhaust or factory fumes. With the fumes, the air is dirty and we breathe it too will feel crowded. Even if we pollute the air with za-specific substance, could be a toxic air you know. We look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs. Many diagnostic time after the atomic bomb is exploded, we definitely know there is a large mushroom cloud billowing into the sky. Well mushroom cloud carries radioactive dust particles are very dangerous. A few days later after missing the mushroom cloud, rain water was black and thick. The water was so poisonous you know. But the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki forced to drink it and be able to guess they have poisoned.

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Doing Sex During Pregnancy

Sometimes a husband and wife want to have sex, but the state of his wife was pregnant, if it could harm the pregnancy?
Not, in normal pregnancies. Male genitalia would not be able to make direct contact to the fetus (baby you), because its existence is protected by a wall of the uterine muscle and amniotic fluid. There is a mucus plug around the neck of the womb (cervix) which will prevent the sperm and bacteria into the uterus.
My pregnancy was a miscarriage of pregnancy after a series of processes. Is sex during pregnancy will cause a repeat?
It is normal if it would be very haunting your pregnancy after a time you failed to defend it, but, until now there is no strong evidence that links between berhungan sex during early pregnancy with miscarriage. Miscarriage during early pregnancy is the result of genetic defects during fetal development. However, if there is bleeding during early pregnancy, there is a good idea to delay first sex until the bleeding has really been able to stop.

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Exercise 15 Minutes a Day Could Extend Age 3 Years

Sport is one of the keys that you can have a healthy body and a long life. Even with only 15 minutes of exercise per day, it can extend to 3 years.Most people struggle to standard guidelines with 30 minutes of exercise a day five days a week. By this standard, there are still many people who find it difficult and do not have time to do so.A recent study Taiwan's National Health Research Institutes found that only by exercising 15 minutes a day, you can extend the life of up to 3 years.Experts hope to identify a lower dose, more people will be motivated to exercise and get up off the couch lazily."It's for men, women, young and old, smokers, healthy people and unhealthy. For physicians, when seeing multiple types of patients, this is a one-size-fits-all kind of advice," said Chi Pang Wen, who led the study of Taiwan's National Health Research Institutes, as reported by Reuters on Tuesday (08/16/2011).In a study published in The Lancet medical journal, Wen studied more than 416 000 participants for 13 years to analyze medical records and reported levels of physical activity every year.After accounting for differences in age, weight, gender and health-related indicators, researchers menemukann that with only 15 minutes of moderate exercise each day is to increase life expectancy by 3 years.

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New Mother Dairy Information Benefits of Breast Milk

Provision of breast milk is always campaigned exclusively by the government, because lately there is a trend decline in the provision of breast milk in infants. Government campaigns for an exclusive Mother's Milk of course based on research evidence that shows the benefits of breast milk compared with formula milk. Some recent research Ibul Susu hair again discovered the benefits of both breast milk for babies, namely: breast milk could prevent the spit up, improve intestinal health of infants and recent discoveries found that breast milk can prevent HIV infection in infantsPREVENT breast milk spit up / regurgitation of Mother's MilkSpit or regusgitAir Mother Dairy milk is a current event that has entered the stomach baby vomited again, because it has not been working the muscles at the end of the esophagus to close the entrance of food into the stomach.

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Antibiotics Effective to Treat Acne?

cause of acne can be diverse and one of them is the effect of hormones on the unit where the hair pilosebaceus, sebaceus glands and hair follicles are located. For young people deal with acne can be frustrating that can reduce a person's beauty or the beauty of the face, especially if we have not found a way to treat it, we'll spend a lot of money to find a cure or a suitable product. 
Mechanism of Antibiotics to Treat Acne How it Works:There are several ways antibiotics work in curing acne.
- By reducing the amount of bacteria that normally congregate in the area of ​​the follicle.
- Ensuring a substance produced by white blood cells do not irritate.
- Helps reduce the production of fatty acids in the area of ​​sebum (skin oil).

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Be Careful of The Poison Content of The Anti-Mosquito

The basic principles that must be understood by everyone when using mosquito repellent is that it is poisonous substances, and no poison was completely safe. We should feel sad to see the ads on TV ads and other media are misleading. know about the latest advertising Anti-Mosquito blue or cough that does not make a fresh fragrance? That ad is outrageous and very misleading, Mosquito Repellent contains two main toxins and transfluthrin Propoxur. Propoxur is a carbamate compounds (including compounds, MIC, had killed thousands of people and cause nerve damage hundreds of thousands of others in the case of Bhopal in India) which has been banned for use in a foreign country as powerful as carcinogenic duduga transfluthrin while relatively safe until recently. Fragrant on anti-mosquito spray aerosol or should it be an indication that we should not be in a room for still smell the smell, for about 1 hour.

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Vigilant in Pregnancy

While you're pregnant, which of course required extra vigilance in maintaining pregnancy. Did you know, anything that can drain your energy? The following tips may be useful for you. I hope these tips can be useful for you. Good luck ...

1. Being constantly at home. If every day you almost never leave the house, shall mean you will not get sufficient amounts of sunlight. This will cause a decrease in the brain hormone, which is melatonin, which causes your lack of energy. Of it, take the time to leave the house every day, of course, if the weather is supportive.

2. Electronic goods. Television set, video, microwave, and computers can reduce your energy. Why is that? Because electronic items can cause pollution / contamination electromagnetic. Reduce the adverse effects of this by simply setting certain when, give the distance of 1 meter from the computer screen, and use the microwave as needed. Do not put a television in the bedroom, because the effect of the resulting pollution will disturb your sleep quality.

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Phone Signals Cause Impotence?

For those of you who love and is constantly carrying around cell phones or mobile phones nampkanya must be careful, because a study in Hungary revealed that cell phones or mobile phones can make a man's sperm is damaged.
Those who keep the phone on your belt or cell phone holster strapped to the belt and near the groin are those who have a risk of sperm was reduced by nearly 30 percent.
Dr. Imre Fejes of the obstetrics and gynecology department at the University of Szeged said in a research conclusion that the use of mobile phones continued to have negative effects on sperm production and male fertility.
Fejes team analyzed sperm from 221 men and questioned them about the use of mobile phones. Found no association between mobile phone use even in a standby setting with reduced sperm concentration and quality.

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Know Your Type Type Troubled Pregnancy

There are multiple pregnancies can be classified into a troubled pregnancy. Therefore let us identify early on the types and how to overcome them.According to the Doctors of the content of the emergence of problems in pregnancy can be caused by many factors. Can be caused by pregnancy itself, such as bleeding, nausea, or vomiting, or caused by the illness of the mother. "For example, congenital heart disease, uncontrolled diabetes, or diabetes mellitusHamilSelain mother, the pregnancy issue can also be caused by environmental problems, such as malnutrition, low socioeconomic, environment does not support, inadequate facilities, as well as geographical factors. Beyond that, the problems in the fetus, such as chromosomal abnormalities or birth defects, pregnancy can cause problems too.
The sooner the issue of pregnancy is known, the better. There are four known pregnancies that can be problematic in the first quarter, which begins with the bleeding and then a miscarriage (abortion). What are they?

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Epilepsy or who are known among the public that Ayan Disease is a disease that causes chronic neurological repeated sudden attacks unprovoked. The word 'epilepsy' is derived from the Greek (Epilepsia) which means the 'attack'. The disease is not hereditary or contagious disease that can be
Epilepsy is a clinical manifestation of excessive electrical charges in the brain neuron cells in the form of recurring seizures. Excessive release of electrical charge and suddenly, so that acceptance and delivery of impulses in / from the brain to other parts of the body affected.

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Risks of Smoking

Smoking is one product that people liked. but sometimes people are not aware of the dangers betap the result of smoking cigarettes. because of the cigarette that there are many addictive substances and toxic substances that can damage lung tissue and blood in the human body. indeed some people think it is a satisfaction, but behind it there is a threat to human life itself. Here we will discuss it further
There have been many studies that prove that smoking causes addiction but also cause many health problems, such as cancer, impotence, heart disease, respiratory disease, gastrointestinal disease, renal adverse effects of pregnancy and the fetus, and much more.

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Anthropology of Health

Anthropological study of socio-cultural health of all people associated with the sick and healthy as a center of culture, of which the object is to study these disciplines are: 1) diseases associated with trust (misfortunes), 2) in some public misfortunes caused by power supernatural and the supernatural or a witch, 2) the healers are found in different forms in each community, 3) healers have a role as a healer, and 4) as for attention to the presence of pain or illness is not an individual, especially illness and sickness in the family or the community .Long before what anthropologists concluded by the end of the 20th century, in 1924 WH R. River, a doctor, said that the medical belief and practice can not be separated from aspects of culture and other social organizations. He stated "primitive medical practices follow from and make sense in terms of underlying medical trust. He also suggested the existence of three different world view

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Dandruff and Prevent It

The cause of dandruff is influenced by the growth of new skin that epidermal cells pushed out, which eventually die and peeling of the scalp. in essence, this peeling is too small to be visible to the eye. However, certain conditions cause cell turnover is very fast, especially in the scalp. Dandruff in the hair, dead skin cells will detach and accumulate in large numbers. that it becomes small pieces of white on the scalp is called dandruff. on normal hair, this cycle takes place once a month.

its peeling epidermal cells can be reduced for those of you who have a little problem of dandruff, by proper hair care. Some people have the wrong by not washing your hair and thought using shampoo causes the scalp to become dry and create more dandruff. Actually, by washing your hair regularly, skin will die off before it accumulate a lot and seen. The use of the right shampoo can help restore the good acidity of the scalp, preventing excess oil and prevent dead skin cells accumulate. but keep in mind, shampoo has no effect for treating skin irritations and red.

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Traditional Medicine For Heart Disease

Genetic or hereditary factors can affect a person's risk for heart disease. But you should not be afraid, that the disease is largely preventable. You may have heard the sage advice that said, to keep the heart healthy, it must consume a nutritious diet and regular exercise.But not just lifestyle changes that can be done to reduce the risk of heart disease. What you drink can also make a difference. Here are some suggested types of beverages that can help maintain heart health:1. CoffeeThis may sound strange at a glance. But did you know that coffee has higher antioxidant activity than cocoa or tea? Eating the right amounts of coffee may inhibit inflammation and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.A long-term studies and large-scale, which involved more than 83,000 women showed that drinking two cups of coffee a day can cut stroke risk 20 percent lower than those who drank less coffee or none at all.

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Coronary Heart Disease

Definition of Heart
The heart is a muscle that pumps blood throughout the body. In a heart attack (myocardial infarction), part of the heart muscle to die while not getting blood. To stay healthy, the heart needs oxygen and other nutrients carried by blood. This is obtained through the artery (blood vessel) disease, which wrap the outside of the heart.
Know Heart Disease
These diseases can affect any part of the heart. However, the most common disease is a chronic disease in the coronary arteries is called atherosclerosis. Therefore, heart disease commonly known and most common is coronary heart disease or coronary artery disease. The disease is most common cause of heart attack in someone who can cause death. The cause is narrowing of the coronary arteries, where the vessel serves to provide blood to the heart muscle. Narrowing caused by a stack of cholesterol or other proteins from the food that enters the body. This buildup causes the coronary arteries become stiff. Stiffness is called atherosclerosis.

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Maintain Eye Health

Maintain Eye HealthEyes are organs of vision that detects light and color. The simplest eyes do nothing but find out if the surroundings are light or dark. More complex eyes are used to provide a visual sense.Eye Diseasethere are several eye diseases are:

Myopia that is someone who can not see distant objects. Usually occurs in pelajar.dapat assisted with concave lens glasses.
Hipermetropi is a user who can not see nearby objects within the eye. Can be helped by a convex lens spectacles.

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Traditional Medicine

Traditional drugs are the drugs are processed in a traditional, hereditary, based on ancestral recipes, customs, beliefs, or local custom, both mystical and traditional knowledge. According to the present study, traditional medicines are many health benefits, and its use is now much in use by many people because it is easier to reach the public, both price and availability. in addition to its use very little side effects.
Various kinds of drugs have been found of human effort to treat various diseases. Since the earliest times, traditional medicine, mostly in the form of herbal medicine has been used to treat diseases. Herbal treatments are usually passed down orally from generation to generasi.Meskipun some have argued that traditional medicines or herbal medicines are safer than modern pharmaceutical medicines, traditional medicines are still at risk.

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Dental Health

We glimpse a bit trivial in the teeth, although its size is small but actually very important benefits for us humans. teeth is the most powerful part of the body. Its small size also makes dental health is often overlooked. Yet dental health is important because it can lead to tooth decay diseases worse like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and eye pain. For pregnant women, tooth decay can also lead to premature birth.
Some dental problems are often encountered is the tartar. Tartar (calculus) is the dirt that accumulate on the teeth for a long time to harden and form a reef. Tartar if left unchecked can cause bleeding gums, teeth shake, teeth porous and easy to date. Therefore, clean the tartar on a regular basis at least once every 6 months. Scaling or cleaning of tartar can be done at the dentist or dental clinic.

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Healthy skin

Healthy skin in the health sciences is actually a reflection of a healthy body condition. Conversely, if the skin is less dull glow could be an indication of the body is in a state fit or healthy.Such as the skin can carry many other important functions beyond the senses of taste and body of the sheath surrounding the threat of natural conditions. He helps regulate body temperature, also protects from viruses and bacteria, and no less important function as well as the secretion of fluid.Health of the skin, the secretion function, issuing a kind of skin, called sebum oil to retain moisture and smoothness. While the discharge of sweat that is mainly composed of water to regulate body temperature to remain within normal limits.

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Lately, we are often the arrival of an insect that can kill the tomcat. Tomcat is a small insect to watch. Because the animals belong to this class although these beetles do not sting or bite, but it can release toxins or poisons when in contact with human skin.
Tomcat is suppose to have toxins that are recognized by the name "Aederin": (C24 H43 09). This fluid is said to be 12 times more lethal than cobra venom.
Tomcat can poison mencemar indirectly when humans come into contact with other objects contaminated with toxins tomcat. That's why these little insects to watch out for.
Here's how to poison prevention and treatment of tomcat:
- Tomcat is very pleased with the bright light, when it should minimize the use of lights at night so as not to invite tomcat. - To eradicate tomcat can by aerosol spray or a mixture of organic pesticides from laos, lemon grass and leaves mamba. - If there are any animals that settle on the skin, try not to turn it off in the body. - If the skin has direct contact with the tomcat, the skin will feel the burn and redness of the skin, if left unchecked, within a few days at the center of pus will appear. - Do not scratch wounds, because the venom can be moved to other parts of the skin over the wound fluid. - Immediately wash with soapy water the skin is in contact with tomcat. - If the reaction occurs in the skin, wash with a mild antiseptic or antibiotic neomycin sulfate 5%. - If the infection continues to leave medicine.

Deoxyribonucleic Acid

In the present age of science and technology capabilities are highly developed and developing countries, especially with the introduction of a person's identity through DNA examination or research. If we look at the victims of the accident victim's body or body that are hard to recognize, then the medical team identified through DNA
Deoxyribonucleic acid, better known as DNA (English: deoxyribonucleic acid), is a type of nucleic acid biomolecules belonging to the main constituent of the dry weight of each organism. Inside the cell, DNA is generally located in the cell nucleus.

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Diseases Sinusitis Flu like Symptomssometimes when we feel pain in the forehead, cheeks, nose, or the area between the eyes is sometimes accompanied by fever, headache, toothache or even decrease the sensitivity of our sense of smell is one of the symptoms of sinusitis. Sometimes because we feel the symptoms are not specific, we misinterpret these symptoms with other diseases that make the disease suffered by developing sinusitis without being treated. To get to know more about the disease and its treatment of sinusitis.Sinusitis is a disease that occurs in the sinus area. Air sinus cavity itself is contained in the area of ​​the face are connected to the nose. Function of the sinus cavity itself is to keep the nose moist and keep the air exchange in the nose area. Sinus cavity itself consists of four types, namely:

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Bacteria are living things that are everywhere. In the air we breathe, the ground we walk on and of course in our body. In fact, we are fully alive in the midst of an invisible world of bacteria. Bacteria derived from Bakterion (Greek = rods). In the classification, the bacterium is classified in the divisio Schizomycetes.
Bacteria are single-celled organisms that are too small to be seen but with the help of a microscope. Their micron-sized (1/1000 mm). As with other living things, bacteria need food, water and the temperature corresponding to live and breed. Sometimes these little creatures live in peace with each other but sometimes they involved a battle between life and death to fight over food and a place to live. We can not directly see, hear or feel the drama of life of these bacteria, but they have a variety of ways so that we can feel its presence.

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The study of viruses called Virology. Virus is a Latin word which means it is toxic. Almost all the viruses can cause disease in other organisms. When this virus is the smallest-sized creatures. The virus can only be seen by electron microscopy and escape from the filter bacteria (bacteria filter).

The body structure
Her body still can be called a cell, composed only of protein in the outer sheath and nucleic acids (ARN and ADN) on the inside. Based on the nucleic acid contained in the virus, we know the virus ADN and ARN virus. Viruses can only reproduce (replicate) in a live medium (embryo, animal tissue, plant tissue). The materials needed to form the body of the new virus, derived from the cytoplasm of infected cells.

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High levels of cholesterol in the body into the cause of the arrival of various diseases. Healthy eating is a major factor To avoid high cholesterol. However, not all cholesterol is bad for the body. Only the category of LDL cholesterol that include only the bad kind of cholesterol, while HDL cholesterol is the bad cholesterol that can dissolve in the body. The normal range of cholesterol in the body is 160-200 mg. High cholesterol can be lowered by simvastatin. Treat cholesterol with drugs and spices of traditional Bahn will be more effective than the chemical drugs.

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Mold In The Health

Probably very few people who do not know what exactly is it mold? Mold (mold / filamentous fungi) is a member of the Kingdom Fungi microorganisms that form hyphae (Carlile & Watkinson 1994). Mold is not a formal taxonomic group, so that the members of the fungus are spread to the phylum Glomeromycota, Ascomycota, and Basidiomycota (Hibbett et al., 2007).

Carlile & Watkinson (1994) states that the number of species of fungi that have been identified by the year 1994 reached 70,000 species, with an estimated addition of 600 species each year. Of these, about 10,000 species of the fungus. According Moncalvo (1997) and Kuhn & Ghannoum (2003), most species of fungi found in tropical regions due to local climatic conditions are warm and humid torpis that supports growth. Fungi are very diverse habitats, but in general, mold can grow on substrates containing organic carbon sources (Carlile & Watkinson 1994).

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