
Bacteria are living things that are everywhere. In the air we breathe, the ground we walk on and of course in our body. In fact, we are fully alive in the midst of an invisible world of bacteria. Bacteria derived from Bakterion (Greek = rods). In the classification, the bacterium is classified in the divisio Schizomycetes.
Bacteria are single-celled organisms that are too small to be seen but with the help of a microscope. Their micron-sized (1/1000 mm). As with other living things, bacteria need food, water and the temperature corresponding to live and breed. Sometimes these little creatures live in peace with each other but sometimes they involved a battle between life and death to fight over food and a place to live. We can not directly see, hear or feel the drama of life of these bacteria, but they have a variety of ways so that we can feel its presence.

There is also a good bacteria
Maybe we think that bacteria are bacteria that spoil food, lead poisoning, or that make us sick. However, harmful bacteria, pathogens that we call life is just one side of this bacterium. Many of them are not harmful, some beneficial and some even play an important role for our health.

General characteristics of bacteria

Body unicellular (single celled)
No chlorophyll (despite that there are several types of bacteria that have pigments such as chlorophyll so they can photosynthesize and his autotrophs
Reproduction by dividing (a division Amitosis)
Habitat: bacteria live everywhere (land, water, air, living things)
The unit of measure is microns bacteria (10-3)
Bacteria forms

Coccus: spherical shape, monokokus, diplokokus, streptococcus, staphylococcus, sarkina
Basil: the form of rods, diplobasil, streptobasil
Spiral: a spiral shape, spirilium (rough spirituality), spirokaet (smooth spiral)
Vibrio: the shape of a commaPreventive Measures and Treatment Against Bacterial Diseases

Precautions to the vaccine. For example, BCG vaccine against tuberculosis >> prevention >> DPT Vaccine prevention of diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus
Treatment measures: Can the mode of administration of antibiotics
Food Preservation

Traditional ways >> fumigation, salting, drying, pemanisan
Modern ways -> sterilization, pasteurization, refrigeration, use of chemicals and irradiation techniques
Sources: free.vlsm.org

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