Lately, we are often the arrival of an insect that can kill the tomcat. Tomcat is a small insect to watch. Because
the animals belong to this class although these beetles do not sting or
bite, but it can release toxins or poisons when in contact with human
Tomcat is suppose to have toxins that are recognized by the name "Aederin": (C24 H43 09). This fluid is said to be 12 times more lethal than cobra venom.
Tomcat can poison mencemar indirectly when humans come into contact with other objects contaminated with toxins tomcat. That's why these little insects to watch out for.
Here's how to poison prevention and treatment of tomcat:
- Tomcat is very pleased with the bright light, when it should minimize the use of lights at night so as not to invite tomcat.
- To eradicate tomcat can by aerosol spray or a mixture of organic pesticides from laos, lemon grass and leaves mamba.
- If there are any animals that settle on the skin, try not to turn it off in the body.
If the skin has direct contact with the tomcat, the skin will feel the
burn and redness of the skin, if left unchecked, within a few days at
the center of pus will appear.
- Do not scratch wounds, because the venom can be moved to other parts of the skin over the wound fluid.
- Immediately wash with soapy water the skin is in contact with tomcat.
- If the reaction occurs in the skin, wash with a mild antiseptic or antibiotic neomycin sulfate 5%.
- If the infection continues to leave medicine.
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