Anthropology of Health

Anthropological study of socio-cultural health of all people associated with the sick and healthy as a center of culture, of which the object is to study these disciplines are: 1) diseases associated with trust (misfortunes), 2) in some public misfortunes caused by power supernatural and the supernatural or a witch, 2) the healers are found in different forms in each community, 3) healers have a role as a healer, and 4) as for attention to the presence of pain or illness is not an individual, especially illness and sickness in the family or the community .Long before what anthropologists concluded by the end of the 20th century, in 1924 WH R. River, a doctor, said that the medical belief and practice can not be separated from aspects of culture and other social organizations. He stated "primitive medical practices follow from and make sense in terms of underlying medical trust. He also suggested the existence of three different world view
(occult, religious, and naturalistic) and connect the belief systems, and each view has an appropriate model of medical behavior.Ackerkencht, a physician and anthropologist, theoretical orientation is expressed in the form of five generalizations: 1) significant studies in medical anthropology is not a single character but a whole cultural configuration and accommodation missionary society in which the pattern is in the totality of the medical, 2) there are so many primitive treatment , 3) part of the medical pattern, as on the whole culture, is functionally related to each other, 4) treatment of the primitive is best understood in terms of beliefs and cultural definitions, and 5) the manifestation of a primitive treatment that varies entirely a supernatural treatment.Studies and theories developed by anthropologists, health behaviors (health behavior), illness behavior (illness behavior) the difference between illness and disease, explanatory models of illness explanatory models), the role and career of a sick (sick role), physician-nurse interaction, physician-patient, nurse-patient, the disease from the standpoint of the patient, opening the eyes of the doctors that the truth of modern medical science can no longer be considered an absolute truth in the healing process.Anthropology of Health explained in a comprehensive and interpretation of a wide range of issues of mutual relations biobudaya, between human behavior in the past and the present with the degree of health and illness, without priority attention to the practical use of knowledge. Professional participation of anthropologists in programs aimed at improving health through greater understanding of the relationship between symptoms of bio-socio-cultural and health, as well as through changes in health behavior are thought to increase towards better health.The main task of the Anthropology of Health experts is how individuals in society perceive and react to ill health and how the type will be selected, to learn about the cultural and social circumstances in the community of residence. Anthropology of Health considered the 'anthropology of medicine "(in terms of theory) and' Anthropology in the treatment '(in terms of practical or applied).

According to the definition of Anthropology Health ExpertSome experts have given the definition of the Anthropology of Health. Below we present the definition of each of the Anthropology of Health. Sorted by year-definition presentation were excluded.Hasan and Prasad (1959)Health anthropology is the branch of science that studies on the human aspects of human biology and culture (including history) from starting point to understand the views of medicine (medical), medical history of medico-historical), medical law (medico-legal), social aspects of medicine (medico-social) and human health problems.Weaver, (1968)Health anthropology is a branch of applied anthropology that deal with various aspects of health and disease.Hochstrasser and Tapp (1970)Biobudaya Health Anthropology is the understanding of man and his works, which relate to health and medicine.Fabrga (1972)Health anthropology is the study of the factors that explain the various mechanisms and processes that play a role in or influence the ways in which individuals and groups affected by or respond to illness and disease, and also studied the problems of illness and disease with emphasis on patterns of behavior.Lieban (1977)Health anthropology is the study of the medical phenomena that are influenced by social and cultural, and social and cultural phenomena illuminated by the medical aspects.Social factors and cultural help to determine the etiology of the disease and spread through their influence in the relationship between human population and its natural environment, or through a direct influence on population health.Lieban in understanding health and disease is the measurement of the effectiveness with which human groups incorporate cultural and biological resources, adapt to their environment. Lieban mention that in fact there are four different main areas in which ecological and health atropologi epidemic, ethnomedicine, medical aspects of social systems, and medical and cultural change.Landy (1977)Health anthropology is the study of human confrontation with illness and sickness, and the arrangement of adaptive (ie, medical systems and medical supplies) made by a group of people to the dangers associated with disease in humans today.Landy also stated that there are three generalizations that are generally agreed by anthropologists, namely: 1) the disease in some form is a universal fact of life the human family. This happened in the whole time, place and masyarkaat, 2) groups of people to develop methods and roles are allocated, together with the resources and structure to imitate them with or respond to disease, 3) groups of people develop a set of trust, understanding and perception of consistent with their cultural matrix, to determine or be aware of the disease. According to Landy, different people, different cultures, have different views on health and disease, and also different when treating the patient.Foster and Anderson (1978)Health anthropology is a discipline that gives attention to those aspects of the biological and socio-budya of human behavior, especially about the ways of interaction between the two throughout the history of human life, which affect health and disease in humans.Made in the definition of Foster / Anderson expressly stated that its object of study medical anthropology that influence health and disease in humans.According to Foster / Anderson, Anthropology examines the health problems of health and illness of two different poles are the poles of biological and socio-cultural poles. Principles of biological concern is pole Foster / Anderson are 1) human growth and development, 2) the role of diseases in human evolution, and 3) Paleopatologi (the study of ancient diseases). While the principal attention to the socio-cultural poles include 1) the traditional medical system (etnomedisin), 2) problems of health officers and their professional preparation, 3) pain behavior, 4) The relationship between the patient's physician, and 5) The dynamics of the effort to introduce health services to the community of traditional western.Foster and Anderson (1978), suggesting that contemporary medical anthropology can be found in four different power sources, namely Physical Anthropology, Ethnomedicine, Personality and Cultural Studies, and International Public Health.Foster and Anderson (1987), said that the bio-cultural environment that is best learned from the ecological point of view. Since World War II, many anthropologists who moved into the medical system of cross-cultural studies, bioekologi and factors that affect the socio-cultural health and disease onset.Ecological approach is the basis for the study of epidemiological problems, where the behavior of individuals and groups determine the health status and the incidence of different diseases in different populations. For example, the people who live in the tropics, malaria can develop and attack them while in cold climates the disease is not found, or in areas above 1700 meters above sea level malaria disease was not found.Another example, the more advanced a nation, dideritapun different diseases emerging nation. Infectious diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, tuberculosis, etc.. generally found in developing countries,Groups of people adapt to their environment and humans must learn to exploit the resources available to meet their needs. This interaction can be psychological and social culture often plays a role in triggering the disease. Disease is part of the human environment such example is the disease Kuru (see Foster / Anderson, p 27-29).McElroy and Townsend (1985)Health is an anthropological study of how social factors affect health and the environment and awareness of alternative ways of understanding and treating disease.McElroy and Townsend, who took a view of history also emphasizes the importance of adaptation and social change by stating that a large number of medical anthropologists are now related to health and illness associated with adaptation of human groups along geographical distances and vast time period from prehistory to the future.Both experts agree on at least six sub-discipline of anthropology that is relevant to the Health Anthropology Physical Anthropology, Pre-Historical Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology, ecological anthropology, Evolutionary Theory, Anthropology and Linguistics.ConclusionAnthropology of Health based on the definition of several experts can be concluded that medical anthropology is the study of human health from prevention, treatment and cure of both the past and the present that relate to cultural and biological and involve a wide range of disciplines (interdisciplinary).Anthropological study of socio-cultural health of all people associated with the sick and healthy as a center of culture both pain-related beliefs (misfortunes), the supernatural / witch, healing diseases.The main task of medical anthropologists is how individuals in society perceive and react to ill health and how the type will be selected, to learn about the cultural and social circumstances in the community of residence. In the Anthropology of Health covers a wide range of interrelated disciplines and linkages.

source :
Allan Yooung. 1980. An Anthropological Perspective on Medical Knowledge.  The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy.
Chapter 1: Intoduction. The Field of Medical Anthropology
Foster/Anderson. 2009. Antropologi Kesehatan, terj. UI-Press: Yogyakarta
The Field of Medical Anthropology

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