of breast milk is always campaigned exclusively by the government,
because lately there is a trend decline in the provision of breast milk
in infants. Government
campaigns for an exclusive Mother's Milk of course based on research
evidence that shows the benefits of breast milk compared with formula
milk. Some
recent research Ibul Susu hair again discovered the benefits of both
breast milk for babies, namely: breast milk could prevent the spit up,
improve intestinal health of infants and recent discoveries found that
breast milk can prevent HIV infection in infantsPREVENT breast milk spit up / regurgitation of Mother's MilkSpit
or regusgitAir Mother Dairy milk is a current event that has entered
the stomach baby vomited again, because it has not been working the
muscles at the end of the esophagus to close the entrance of food into
the stomach.
Various Hair Milk Ibul research in the world to get that baby in the given (Mother's Milk) breast milk exclusively had spit up (regurgitation Mother's Milk) is less than the infants who drink formula.
Research in Indonesia also have the same hair Ibul Milk. In research conducted in 2004 at the RSCM Jakarta on 138 newborns, babies who spit up the intensity of the unknown or remove the contents of the stomach after drinking milk more often found in infants who consume formula.
What about babies who can not get breast milk exclusively?
One solution for infants who drink formula that are not often spit the milk coagulation is to add rice flour to the milk formula, or buying formula to supplement antiregurgitasi
A recent study indicates that babies fed on breast milk tend to have a healthier colon than those fed formula. Colonization "good bacteria" in the infant gut is critical for the development of their intestinal tract and in the development of immunity.
The results showed differences in bacterial colonization in infants who are fed infant formula and breast milk, leading to changes in gene expression in infants who are involved in the immune system and defense against pathogens.
In his study, the researchers used transcriptome analysis to compare the condition of the intestines in infants three months were exclusively breast milk and infant formula. Transcriptome analysis to look at a fraction of the genetic code is transcribed into RNA molecules and mengukuran whether genes can be actively making proteins.The results showed that babies fed breast milk have a wider range of microbes in their guts than formula-fed infants, although their immune systems have been developed to mengatAir mother's milk.
Mother's Milk Prevent HIV Transmission
One more reason why breast milk should still be given by each of the newborn, even though their mothers infected with HIV virus. Recent research claims, researchers have mengisol breast milk antibodies in breast milk can protect infants from HIV virus threats.
Researchers said the only one in ten HIV-infected women, which can transmit the virus to her unborn baby. The findings are published in PLoS One.source: