Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world including in Indonesia. This disease often causes sudden death without preceding symptoms.Coronary
heart disease caused by an imbalance between oxygen demand with supply
to the heart muscle supplied by the coronary arteries. As a result, the heart muscle becomes starved of oxygen so that it can cause a serious disturbance in the heart.Coronary
Heart Disease disorder lies in the coronary arteries of kelainanya
perkapuran process (atherosclerosis) in various levels ranging from mild
narrowing to a moment there was total blockage of the blood vessel
walls. Patients usually complain of chest pain such as feeling depressed left. Sometimes pain radiating to left arm or to the chin. Risk factor for atherosclerosis can be divided into two, namely:Risk factors can be controlled,
Obesity (overweight)
Use of Specific Drugs (Steroids)
Risk Factors Can not Be Controlled
Family history of heart disease in
Prevention EffortsPrevention of coronary heart disease by controlling the course, the risk factors above. Precautions can be done in stages, starting from primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention is the primary effort to prevent coronary heart disease early before seen a disease that efforts have been directed to the promotion uasaha as anti-smoking campaigns and encourage exercise habits to the Society. Educate the public about healthy eating is also a primary prevention. By way of Makana recommends consuming high-fiber and low in cholesterol.
Foods such as tempeh and tofu are still regarded as a lower-class food by most people was very good for protecting heart health.
Excellence Tempe:
Tempe has a protein content, unsaturated fatty acids and fiber that tinggi.Tempe have the effect of lowering total cholesterol levels and LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol can improve.
Indirectly affect soybean also has anti-atherogenic which can prevent the onset of coronary heart disease.
Secondary prevention is aimed at preventing replay attacks in people who have been affected by coronary heart disease.
Form of secondary prevention such as the patient is expected to pattern a healthy lifestyle by stopping smoking, follow exercise instructions, set healthy eating patterns as well as its disease control such as hypertension, diabetes and obesity.