Be Careful of The Poison Content of The Anti-Mosquito

The basic principles that must be understood by everyone when using mosquito repellent is that it is poisonous substances, and no poison was completely safe. We should feel sad to see the ads on TV ads and other media are misleading. know about the latest advertising Anti-Mosquito blue or cough that does not make a fresh fragrance? That ad is outrageous and very misleading, Mosquito Repellent contains two main toxins and transfluthrin Propoxur. Propoxur is a carbamate compounds (including compounds, MIC, had killed thousands of people and cause nerve damage hundreds of thousands of others in the case of Bhopal in India) which has been banned for use in a foreign country as powerful as carcinogenic duduga transfluthrin while relatively safe until recently. Fragrant on anti-mosquito spray aerosol or should it be an indication that we should not be in a room for still smell the smell, for about 1 hour.

Another type of anti-mosquito how? Just the same, clear anti-mosquito coils produce smoke and toxic, species electrik was still produce toxins. Use of anti-mosquito by fire or electricity must be in a room with good air circulation, should not be in a closed room of the poisons produced will reduce the proportion of oxygen in the room.

If reppelent same or mosquito repellent, toxic trio named Diethyltoluamide or DEET, and DEET is highly corrosive, Autan not be stored in PVC plastic or metal container in a matter of weeks because it will erode the lining. Imagine if it hit our skin? Do not use on sensitive skin or children under the age of 2 years.

Now everything depends on our own, whether we want to wear mosquito repellent as above or using a natural mosquito repellent, such as the use of netting or cloth like. all up to you ...

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