
Epilepsy or who are known among the public that Ayan Disease is a disease that causes chronic neurological repeated sudden attacks unprovoked. The word 'epilepsy' is derived from the Greek (Epilepsia) which means the 'attack'. The disease is not hereditary or contagious disease that can be
Epilepsy is a clinical manifestation of excessive electrical charges in the brain neuron cells in the form of recurring seizures. Excessive release of electrical charge and suddenly, so that acceptance and delivery of impulses in / from the brain to other parts of the body affected.

Causes of EpilepsyThe cause of epilepsy can be divided into two parts, namely epilepsy idiopathic (unknown cause) and symptomatic epilepsy (the causes are known, such as brain tumors, post-trauma brain). The influence of genetic or hereditary factors do exist but are small, usually including the idiopathic.
Some of the causes of epilepsy include: genetic factors / derivative (although relatively small between 5-10 per cent), abnormalities in before-after birth, head injury, meningitis, brain tumors, cerebrovascular disorders, a pool of blood / pus in the brain , or have had brain surgery. In addition, any diseases or disorders that interfere with brain function can also cause seizures. Could be due to birth trauma, head trauma, brain tumor, brain inflammation, bleeding in the brain, hypoxia (lack of oxygen in tissues), electrolyte disturbances, metabolic disorders, blood peredarah disorders, poisoning, allergies and birth defects.

Epilepsy TypesTypes of seizures in epilepsy vary widely, broadly divided into partial seizures (local) and generalized seizures (general).
cover, tonic-clonic epilepsy (grandmal), epilepsy absans (petit mal), simple partial epilepsy, complex partial epilepsy, epilepsy atonik, and myoclonic epilepsy.

Non Communicable Diseases EpilepsyIn general, people in Indonesia misunderstand epilepsy. As a result, people with epilepsy are often ostracized. In fact, epilepsy is not including infectious diseases, not mental illness, not a disease caused by "occult", and not a disease that can not be cured.
Symptoms or signs of epilepsy are likely to recur if the disease is the patient usually feels dizzy, dizzy vision, hearing instrument less than perfect. In addition, excessive sweat and foam out the mouth. A moment later, the patient fainted accompanied by screams. All the veins convulse, arms and legs stretched rigid, tightly holding hands, often tongue bite wound as tightly clenched jaw, the patient has difficulty breathing and a red face or bluish. During having a seizure, usually blindfolded and finally fell asleep more than 45 minutes. Once up and asked, do not even remember what had happened to her. Such a seizure is always coming over and over again.
Anyone can contract the disease Epilepsy?Everyone is at risk of epilepsy. One of 50 are at risk of epilepsy. Drug users and alcohol drinkers have a higher risk. Drug users may have a seizure (convulsions attack), the first since taking narcotics, but then it will probably continue to have seizures despite being separated from the narcotic.In the UK, one person among the 131 people menyindap epilepsy. So at least 456 000 penyindap epilepsy in the UK.

Misconceptions about epilepsyFrom ancient times, people often have misconceptions about epilepsy. Possessed by spirits sometimes mistaken for epilepsy, or because of masturbation.
TreatmentAlthough there is no treatment that actually cure epilepsy, with the help of proper treatment, approximately 80% of children who suffer from this disease can live a normal life.
"We do not have a cure for epilepsy, sudden attacks of therapy and unfortunately there was practically no. There's only way of how to manage the attack, "said William R. Turk, MD, Chief of the Division of Neurology at Nemours Children's' Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida. "But in children, there remains a chance. If the parents can provide appropriate treatment, a sudden attack may be removed. "
A view which has been developed, epilepsy is a hereditary disease is contagious and can not be cured. Apparently this is disputed by two pediatricians who are experts FKUI child neurologist / RSCM Jakarta, namely Dr. Pusponegoro Hardiono S, Sp A and Dr. Irawan Mangunatmadja, Sp A. According to the expert, epilepsy can be cured with a total and only 1% of total persons with epilepsy in Indonesia inherited genetic or hereditary. And early detection and treatment for persons with epilepsy, especially since children are very effective cure of epilepsy in total.
Meanwhile, the neurosurgeon from the University of Diponegoro Zainal Muttaqin the Media says, nerve surgery may also be performed to treat epilepsy.
According to Zainal, the large number of people with epilepsy in Indonesia have not been matched by a thorough treatment. Persons with epilepsy ranged from 1% of the total population, or as many as 2 million people. About 70% of them can be cured by taking medication regularly. While 30% have not been able to be treated by taking the drug.
"Actually 30% of people with epilepsy can be helped by nerve surgery, with 90% success rate," he said. Still according to him, when people with epilepsy were seizure, then the number of nerve cell damage.
Under conditions of a seizure, he said, people with epilepsy hold my breath that causes the brain is deprived of oxygen. It resulted in 50 cells of 10 billion nerve cells die. It is feared, when the seizure took place in the frequency often, the number of damaged cells increasingly accumulate.
Neurosurgery for epilepsy was started 15 years ago in developed countries. Especially epilepsy caused disturbances in the side of the brain or temporal lobe, known as psychomotor epilepsy. In Japan alone, at least 150 operations are performed each year. Meanwhile, in Indonesia only began around 1999.
Sources: id.wikipedia.org; epilepsiindonesia.com; bima.ipb.ac.id / ~ anita / anak_kena_epilepsi.htm

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