Effect Headset For Your Health!

Listen to music all the time, even to be able to sleep in buai with Headset.But the gentlemen friends know, that long-term wear headsets as well as high volume cause serious effects.
"Automatically, the ear has the ability to muffle the loud noise becomes problematic for a hearing," said Dr. A. Budi Sulistya, Sp. ENT of Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, Jakarta.However, the ear also has a limited ability to hear,There is a limit to how long the ear may be exposed to certain noise should not exceed dosage.For example, to the sound of the guns that have the intensity of the eruption about 110 decibels and the frequency is high enough, the ears should only be exposed to no more than 30 seconds. Moreover, the risk of hearing impairment or noise trauma will be greater.

"In essence, the ear has a limited ability to hear sounds at a certain intensity. The higher the intensity, the ear can only hear in a short time, "said Budi, adding a dose of this applies to all ages.
If the sound intensity is more than the permitted dose, there will be disruption in the cochlea (the cochlea), which here takes place the process of change mechanical energy into electrical energy. Hair cells that vibrate to make sound transmission mechanic should be broken. Our unique form of the cochlea, such as two semi-circular shape.High frequency is to the left, and low on the right. Thus, the opposite of the piano. Now, hair charge of changing the sound vibrating in accordance with the frequency, either high, medium or low.
That the noisy room where it ranges between 40-60 decibels, high enough. Children who play in the area has a large exposure to noise, so there is a risk of suffering from trauma or noise induced hearing loss is a very loud noise (noise-induced hearing loss), "Budi said.
Likewise, the risk of the Music Player with the use of a headset or earphone. The results showed that when the appliance is connected digital music player with earphones played:- The optimal or maximum volume (intensity about 100 decibels), the ears should only be exposed to a maximum of 5 minutes per day.- In volume 90 percent (90 decibels) should only be exposed for 18 minutes.- In volume 80 percent (80 decibels), should only be 1, 2-hour maximum dose per day.- And, on a volume of 70 percent (70 decibels), should only be about 4, 6 hours maximum per day.
to avoid the trauma of the noise should sound at lower volume or reduce, so obviously we know that the impact of the headset was not good for us.

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