
The study of viruses called Virology. Virus is a Latin word which means it is toxic. Almost all the viruses can cause disease in other organisms. When this virus is the smallest-sized creatures. The virus can only be seen by electron microscopy and escape from the filter bacteria (bacteria filter).

The body structure
Her body still can be called a cell, composed only of protein in the outer sheath and nucleic acids (ARN and ADN) on the inside. Based on the nucleic acid contained in the virus, we know the virus ADN and ARN virus. Viruses can only reproduce (replicate) in a live medium (embryo, animal tissue, plant tissue). The materials needed to form the body of the new virus, derived from the cytoplasm of infected cells.

Self Defense Against Virus Attacks
Ability of the virus to cause disease are called virulence. Virulence of the virus is determined by:
a. presence and activity of receptors on the surface of the host that allows the virus to attach
b. the ability of virus to infect cells
c. the speed of virus replication in host cells
d. ability to withstand attack host cells in virus
Most of the virus into the human body through the mouth and nose, skin wounds. If there is a virus that enters the cell body will maintain the generating phagocytic cells, antibodies, and interferon (specific proteins)

Disebablan way of disease prevention by vaccination of virus carried by the action. The first vaccine invented by man is the smallpox vaccine, discovered by Edward Jenner (1789), whereas oral vaccination was invented by Jonas Salk (1952) in tackling the causes of polio. Humans are naturally able to make an anti-virus in his body, yet people still can be hurt due to virus infection, because the speed of virus replication could not be offset by the speed of synthesis of interferon.

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