drugs are the drugs are processed in a traditional, hereditary, based
on ancestral recipes, customs, beliefs, or local custom, both mystical
and traditional knowledge. According
to the present study, traditional medicines are many health benefits,
and its use is now much in use by many people because it is easier to
reach the public, both price and availability. in addition to its use very little side effects.
Various kinds of drugs have been found of human effort to treat various diseases. Since the earliest times, traditional medicine, mostly in the form of herbal medicine has been used to treat diseases. Herbal treatments are usually passed down orally from generation to generasi.Meskipun some have argued that traditional medicines or herbal medicines are safer than modern pharmaceutical medicines, traditional medicines are still at risk.
Various kinds of drugs have been found of human effort to treat various diseases. Since the earliest times, traditional medicine, mostly in the form of herbal medicine has been used to treat diseases. Herbal treatments are usually passed down orally from generation to generasi.Meskipun some have argued that traditional medicines or herbal medicines are safer than modern pharmaceutical medicines, traditional medicines are still at risk.
Cautions in the Use of Traditional Medicine
Even herbal or traditional medicines may be widely considered safe, it is advisable to remain vigilant. Do not loosen your vigilance just because a product is labeled "natural". An unpleasant fact is that some herbs can even be dangerous. And ironically, some people do not view herbal or traditional medicine as it should. Chemical compounds in traditional medicine or herbs can alter heart rate, blood pressure and glucose levels. So, people who have abnormalities in the heart, high blood pressure or blood sugar disorders such as diabetes must keep close track alert.
However, the side effects of traditional medicine is usually limited to the type of allergic reaction. Such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, or rash. Some traditional medicine or herb might cause "healing crisis" to produce flu-like symptoms or other symptoms. People who consume traditional medicine may appear to be worse before it gets better. Generally it is said that this reaction is caused by the disposal of toxic wastes from the body during the early stages of herbal therapy.