
The rainy season is one season that we must be aware, in addition will lead to flooding and standing water. we should be aware of flood hazards, we also should be aware of the spread of disease during the floods. As one of a very dangerous disease, that is Leptospirosis.
Leptospirosis is a disease caused by germs contained leptospires in the urine of mice and other rodents. If the urine of mice that contain germs or bacteria are soluble in water, such as flooding and standing water, the water can become a medium of transmission to humans. Our skin is wounded, though small, or the mucosa of the body is in contact with water contaminated with the bacteria leptospires it will become the entrance of these germs to infect the body.

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Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency is fatal, but can be improved if treated properly. This situation occurs because of an allergic response is rapid and excessive. Anaphylaxis is an allergic reaction that affects the entire body. This reaction can cause death.
Many allergens can cause anaphylactic reactions, but the most common causes are medications, bee stings, and nuts. The signs of anaphylactic reactions similar to the signs of shock, namely:
A. Low blood pressure
2. Pulse rate increased
3. Obstruction or airway obstruction
4. Swelling of the larynx and face
5. Urticaria (redness and itching)
Initial therapy in anaphylactic reactions is the gift of adrenaline. If a person has experienced an anaphylactic reaction, you should always provide the adrenaline rush that can be used as first aid in case of this reaction.

Coronary Heart Disease, Risk Factors And Prevention

Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world including in Indonesia. This disease often causes sudden death without preceding symptoms.Coronary heart disease caused by an imbalance between oxygen demand with supply to the heart muscle supplied by the coronary arteries. As a result, the heart muscle becomes starved of oxygen so that it can cause a serious disturbance in the heart.Coronary Heart Disease disorder lies in the coronary arteries of kelainanya perkapuran process (atherosclerosis) in various levels ranging from mild narrowing to a moment there was total blockage of the blood vessel walls. Patients usually complain of chest pain such as feeling depressed left. Sometimes pain radiating to left arm or to the chin. Risk factor for atherosclerosis can be divided into two, namely:Risk factors can be controlled,

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